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About Lovepacks

A teacher at a local school noticed that a child's backpack was dripping as he walked down the hall. When she opened it up, she found several unfinished milk cartons. The child had taken the unwanted milk from his classmates trays because he didn't get any at home. This story inspired Mary Leary and Helen Phillips to form Lovepacks with the help of school counselor Linda Vaughn at Bramlett Elementary in 2010.
After the initial realization of just how many hungry children we have in the Oxford community, we wondered what we could do to make a difference. Finally, we stopped wondering, gathered volunteers and started acting. What started with 10 packs coming out of their own kitchens has grown to an astounding 160 packs a week. We received 501(c)3 non-profit status in 2012, and the service has expanded to the ten schools in the Oxford/Lafayette school district.
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